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Pines Blogs

Have a glimpse of our student`s campus life and engaging Pines events.

May 20, 2024
Highlights from Our Optional Class Culmination Event

Have you ever wondered just how fun and engaging optional classes can be? If you missed our Optional Class Culmination on May 17th, you're in for a treat! Here’s a sneak peek into the exciting activities and memorable moments that made the event successful.Breaking the Ice with "Impressions"The event kicked off with an interactive icebreaker called "Impressions." This activity was the perfect start, allowing everyone to mingle and get to know each other in a relaxed and fun setting. It set the tone for the rest of the night, filling the dining hall with laughter and camaraderie.A Talent Showcase to RememberOne of the event's highlights was undoubtedly the talent showcase. Students from various optional classes stepped into the spotlight, delivering both unexpected and classic performances leaving the audience in awe. Here are some standout moments:Magic in the Air: One of our students wowed the crowd with an incredible magic show. His sleight-of-hand tricks and captivating stage presence kept everyone on the edge of their seats.Musical Serenade: A group of talented students performed a beautiful serenade, showcasing their vocal harmonies and instrumental skills. Their performance was heartfelt and received a roaring applause from the audience. Top 5 QuizThe Top 5 Quiz helps students interact once again as they discuss the answers for the given top 5 categorical questions within the group. Brainstorming matters here because students justify why they want to add their answers making the moment an enjoyable and collaborative experience.Celebrating SuccessIn addition to fun and games, the event recognized the hard work and achievements of the Spartan Program students, applauding their dedication and outstanding performances.The Value of Optional ClassesOptional classes allow students to explore new interests, develop unique skills, and build lasting connections with peers who share their passions.Looking AheadAs we anticipate future events, we urge all students to consider joining optional classes and experiencing the joy of learning and growth. Thank you to everyone who contributed to making the Optional Class Culmination a remarkable event.

May 10, 2024
Pines International Academy Inc. Acknowledged by University of Baguio in Milestone Partnership

During the 75th anniversary festivities of the University of Baguio, Pines International Academy Inc. (PIA) was recognized for its outstanding collaboration with the esteemed university. This celebration marks the enduring partnership between PIA and the University of Baguio, both committed to promoting excellence in education.Pines and the University of Baguio are partners in providing quality trainings for select students through their On-the-Job Trainings and placement where students get the opportunity to be trained through various learning experiences and areas of discipline that Pines could offer. The recognition was given to Pines on May 8, 2024, amidst the distinguished gathering of luminaries at the Government, Academe, Industry and Linkages (GAIL) appreciation night, hosted by the University of Baguio at the Baguio Country Club. Organized by the Linkages office of the University of Baguio, this event served as a platform to express gratitude and acknowledge the dedicated commitment of partners towards academic excellence and experiential learning.Notably, Pines International Academy Inc. stands as the sole representative from the ESL (English as a Second Language) industry to receive such recognition as a partner of the University of Baguio. This acknowledgment underscores the exceptional caliber of Pines' contributions to the academic landscape, particularly in enriching the educational journey of students.Capturing the essence of this milestone moment, Mr. Reuben L. Aslor, Vice-President for Human Resources and External Affairs of Pines International Academy, was pictured receiving the award. Spearheading the academic linkages and external affairs of Pines in tandem with the Human Resources Department, Mr. Aslor epitomizes the collaborative spirit driving this transformative partnership forward. As Pines International Academy Inc. continues to chart new horizons in education, this recognition serves as an inspiration, reaffirming the enduring impact of collaborations in shaping the future of learning.

May 07, 2024
Tian's Adventure: Exploring Baguio with PINES Academy

Reflections on my gap yearWhere should I start? Let's begin with the "location." At that time, I chose Baguio because I simply felt I could study well there without being influenced too much by environmental factors (turns out my willpower is so weak). For this, I am really grateful to my agent. When he analyzed the advantages and disadvantages of Cebu and Baguio, he provided very clear and neutral advice to me, making me rethink what I really wanted. Taking the Baguio Travel Challenge "Baguio," a city that takes 6 hours by car from Manila, with an average annual temperature of around 25 degrees Celsius, abundant in strawberries, and famous for its huge night market. I was really looking forward to the strawberries and night market there! I was so excited that I told the agent I didn't need to take the school's shuttle and challenged myself to go to school. I can only say that if I could do it again, I would obediently take the shuttle and sleep until I reached school. When I arrived at the Baguio bus station, I waited for a long time before finally getting into a taxi. Then I forgot that the agent had told me to tell the driver a certain place so that the driver would know how to get to the school. Well, the driver took me on a sightseeing tour of Baguio, circling around (mountain roads). By the time I reached the school, I was really exhausted, and I still had to attend classes the next day. And then, I only found out that the next day was not the start of classes but a day off because the Philippines has many holidays, so people planning to study in the Philippines should pay attention to which months have many holidays, and agents won't charge less just because of holidays. Studying English Abroad Many people might say, do you have to go abroad to study English? With such a heavy accent here, won't you not understand? For me, this experience really helped me a lot. I went from being too scared to speak English to being able to chat with foreigners (am I bluffing?!). This is something I'm really satisfied with! At least before this, none of the methods I tried could achieve this effect. As for the accent issue, I even have trouble communicating with my family in Chinese, so accents are not really a big problem for me.Choosing Well-Established Pines As for the school, I chose the well-established PINES. This school has dedicated TOEIC and IELTS campuses. I originally planned to transfer to another campus behind the main campus, but I loved my roommates too much and decided to stay at the original campus (for eating, drinking, and having fun?), mainly because I felt that if I transferred, my level might make it difficult for me to keep up. So I told the school I didn't want to transfer, and the school refunded me some tuition fees and accommodation expenses. In the main campus, I chose a semi-Spartan rule: after dinner, I had to self-study in the classroom until 10 p.m. (or else there would be penalties). The next day, I continued with the first class at 8 a.m. This kind of routine really made me feel like a primitive person, I didn't even have time to use my phone. When I returned to Taiwan, there were many things that made me feel like I had disconnected from the world, like a newborn exploring the world. Experiencing the Philippines Also, because the Philippines was ruled by Spain for more than 300 years, there are many salt bread pandesal here, and each bakery has its unique taste. It's so delicious that I could eat it every day ?. Although the quality of life here is not as good as we imagine, the people here are very hardworking (almost waking up at 4 or 5 in the morning...), and their happiness is simple, living in the moment. You can even buy a single candy or a cigarette here, for instant pleasure. Overall Insight The working holiday game in the human world has age restrictions, but this way, no matter how old you are, you can come and experience it. After it ends, you may forget English grammar, but the experience will stay in your memory forever. School: @pinesacademy Agent: @rightherestudyTaiwanese Content:https://www.instagram.com/p/C6nOrcqJsCU/晚了一年的感想從哪裡說起呢,從「地點」開始說好了,當時我會選擇去碧瑤單純覺得我在那裡一定可以好好讀書,不要受太多環境因素影響(原來我意志這麼薄弱)。這點其實我很感謝我的代辦,當他分析宿霧、碧瑤的優缺點時非常明確也提供他中立的建議給我,讓我思考自己要的到底是什麼。「碧瑤」一個從馬尼拉坐車要6個小時的城市,年均溫25度左右、盛產草莓、有名的超大夜市,我真的超期待那裡的草莓跟夜市!就是帶著這樣的興奮感跟代辦說不用搭學校的車,挑戰自己去學校。只能說再來一次我會乖乖搭車睡到學校。當我到了碧瑤巴士站,我等了超久的時間才坐上計程車,然後我忘記代辦說過要跟司機說一個地方司機才會知道學校怎麼走,很好哦司機帶我觀光碧瑤一直繞來繞去(山區路) ,當我到達學校真的筋疲力盡明天還要上課,然後,我當晚才知道隔天不是開學日還要放假一天,因為菲律賓超多節日可以放假,所以要去菲律賓遊學的人要注意哪個月份他們節日多,代辦不會因為節日放假就少收錢哦。​其實很多人會說讀英文一定要到國外嗎?這裡口音這麼重不會聽不懂嗎?對我來說這個經驗真的幫助我很多,我從一個不敢開口說英文到可以跟外國人聊天(畫唬爛?!),這點我就超滿意!至少在這之前我試過的方式都沒辦法讓我有這樣的效果。口音的問題,我跟我家老木用中文溝通都有問題了,口音對我來說真的不是太大的問題。​學校的部分我是選擇比較悠久的PINES,這個學校有專門的多益、雅思校區,我一開始在一般校區後面原本是要換校區,但是我太愛我的室友直接留在原校區繼續(吃喝玩樂?),應該是說我覺得我的程度如果過去會讓我沒辦法消化,所以就跟學校說不過去,學校也會退你一點學費跟那邊住宿的費用。在一般校區我選擇半斯巴達的規則,晚飯後7點一定要在教室自習到晚上10點(如果沒有會有懲罰)。隔天繼續早上第一堂8點的課,這樣的模式真的讓我徹底當一個原始人,根本沒時間用手機,當我回台灣時有好多東西我真的跟世界斷軌很像新生兒探索世界的感覺。​也因為西班牙統治過菲律賓300多年,這裡的鹹麵包pandesal非常多,每一家店烘焙出來的都有不同,好吃到我可以每天都吃的那種好吃?​這裡的人們雖然生活品質不是我們想像中的好,卻是很努力的在生活(幾乎早上4、5點起床…),他們的快樂很簡單就是活在當下,甚至這裡是可以單買ㄧ顆糖果一隻煙,有夠即時享樂。​人類世界的打工渡假有年齡限制的遊戲規則,不過這個方式不論你幾歲都可以來體驗。結束後你可能會忘了英文文法,但是過程會一輩子留在你的記憶裡。學校@pinesacademy代辦@rightherestudy


Take a peek at our cozy campuses!


Pines CEFR-based Curriculum

Main Campus Building

MAIN Campus

Maximizes English usage through balanced 1-on-1 and group classes, including flexible night-time study options.

Unparalleled accuracy and fluency enhancements as you engage in an additional one on one class.

Elevates listening comprehension, sentence construction, vocabulary, reading fluency, and speaking through 7 1-on-1 classes.

Attain stress-free English fluency through 1-on-1 classes, enhancing conversation, mastering sentence patterns, and boosting reading fluency.

Provide opportunities for students of different levels to socialize in English, maximizing their exposure to the English language.

Ideal English program for families, with engaging language activities and memorable weekend tours

Preparatory English modules for young English Learners.
IELTS Campus

To enhance IELTS module courses understanding through initial learning modules.

Amplifies general IELTS test skills and English proficiency.

Ensured IELTS success with weekly mock tests, and valuable coaching on study strategies, and perks like free official IELTS test.

Provide opportunities for students of different levels to socialize in English, maximizing their exposure to the English language.
All Campus

Elevate your TOEIC success with our program by refining spoken language skills while mastering the essentials for the exam.

Elevate your TOEIC success with our program by refining spoken language skills while mastering the essentials for the exam.

Main Campus Tour
What we love about Pines

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Pines Portal

Easy access to the daily schedule, test results and information using Pines’ mobile app

English Only Policy

Natural exposure to an English speaking environment monitored by staffs

International Managers

Efficient campus life under the care and guide of International Managers

Start your global success journey with Pines International Academy`s English learning!

Numbers Speak Volumes

Join our successful Pines graduates as our statistics reflect credibility and excellence.


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Students who love our

“ One on one class is good because you can ask about everything to your teacher from your book or anything about Baguio. My teacher is very good, she teaches IELTS class before and she thought me how to improve on my writing skills. She put a lot of effort to edit my write-up. ”

Oct 27, 2023

“ I chose Pines because I want to study speaking, and Pines is the most famous school in Baguio. ”

Jul 16, 2023

“ I am very happy with my roommates for they are very friendly with me and they introduce me to some students too. My course is Power ESL 7 with only 1:1 class, but I have night optionclasses that help me meet other students. We share and learn something together ”

Jun 30, 2023

“ When I studied in Japan, there are American teachers, England teachers (and a lot more). They have good pronunciation, good communication skill and good grammar skills, but I think that Pines teachers are very good. ”

May 12, 2023

“ I didn't expect that I would enjoy studying English, but I do, and I am sure you will enjoy your class. There are many courses in pines that you can choose from. You can even enroll in an option class after finishing your regular classes if you want. You can concentrate completely on your English. ”

Feb 21, 2023

“ I'm well satisfied with my stay at Pines Academy. My English improved in all areas, from speaking to writing. I can now express myself well because of my interactions with my teachers and friends from other countries. ”

Baba Yuri
Dec 03, 2022

“ Thank you so much for the knowledge and friendships I gained in this Academy. Studying at Pines is my precious living abroad experience, where I met other nationalities with whom I understand cultures. ”

Tuong Thi Thuy Linh
Nov 06, 2022

“ I was satisfied with my study at Pines Academy. The teachers are friendly and kind. I made friends who encouraged me to reach my dreams. Being at Pines is my kind of environment- I felt safe. ”

Urara Shiga
Sep 25, 2022

“ I would like to express my sincere thanks to the school administrator and teachers. You have given me the most wonderful experience over the past three months. ”

Tran Nguyen Huuthanh
Aug 28, 2022

“ The classes at Pines were very accurate and interesting. The different programs exceeded my expectations but were beginner-friendly. Pines i a great English school with great teachers. ”

Unur Lkhaguadorj
Jul 30, 2022

“ I recommend Pines International Academy for English learners because all the courses, textbooks, and subjects are of a high standard quality. The teachers and staff were all professional and always smiling. ”

Su Wei-Hao
Jul 29, 2022

“ The outstanding abilities of the Pines Teachers in all my subjects amazed me. I achieved and improved more at Pines Academy than any other school I've been to. Thanks to my teachers who guided me throughout my 10-week stay at Pines. I'm blessed to have met you. I'm thankful for all the guidance and patience while I was going after my desired score. ”

Hong Sun Hye
May 07, 2022